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68 articles
2 years ago

Fetching tweets from the program

In the episode, we learn how to fetch multiple tweet accounts at once and how to filter them by various properties.

Testing our instruction

Our program is ready so let's test it! It gives us the perfect opportunity to learn more about JavaScript clients and see how they interact with our program.

Our first instruction

Now that our Tweet account is ready, let's create an instruction that allows users to publish their own tweets.

Structuring our Tweet account

In this episode, we define what we want to store in our Tweet accounts before explaining how Solana accounts work and how they're structured.

Getting started with Solana and Anchor

In this episode, we install everything we need to get started with Solana and Anchor. We also deep dive into Anchor's development cycle: Build, Deploy and Test.

What are we building?

Before we dive in, let's start by having a quick look at what we're going to achieve by the end of this series.

Create a Solana dApp from scratch

My journey into web 3

I give a brief web 3 introduction before mentioning how and why I ended up getting more and more interested in web 3 and more particularly NFTs and Solana.

The complete checklist

We've learned and set up a lot of things in the series. This article act as a complete checklist of this series organised by topics. The perfect article to come back to when you get your hands dirty.

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Deploy using Ploi

Ploi is a feature-rich alternative to Laravel Forge that enables you to set up and maintain servers through an intuitive UI. In this episode, we see how to use Ploi and Deployer together.

Deploy using Laravel Forge

Setting up and maintaining servers for our Laravel applications can be quite a stressful endeavour. In this episode, we see how to delegate these tasks to Laravel Forge whilst using Deployer.

Create your own Deployer recipes

We go one step further with Deployer by learning how to create our own custom tasks and recipes enabling even more powerful deployments.