Renderless resizable textarea

6 years ago
2 min read

The recent course of Adam Wathan on Advance Vue Component Design has been a real eye opening for me on the power of renderless components. That is components that provides extra behaviour without committing to any UI decisions using VueJS's render function.

Following Adam's course, I went back to some of my projects and spent hours of joyful refactoring. Using renderless components I managed to extract some generic behaviour logic from my project-specific components to free them of that burden.

One of them was this <resizable-component>.

Full code on GitHub

Crazy simple usage

Using this component is as easy as:


The <resizable-textarea> component does not interfere at all with the textarea attributes nor does it create an extra wrapping div. Its entire purpose is to update the height of the textarea to match its content.

See the Pen Resizable Textarea by Loris Leiva (@lorisleiva) on CodePen.

How this works

First, the component simply renders its content, i.e. its default slot.

render () {
    return this.$slots.default[0]

Then, it provides a resizeTextarea event listener that updates the height of the to match its content. It registers the event listener when the component is mounted and removes it right before the component is destroyed.

export default {
    methods: {
        resizeTextarea (event) {
   = 'auto'
   = ( + 'px'
    mounted () {
        this.$el.addEventListener('input', this.resizeTextarea)
    beforeDestroy () {
        this.$el.removeEventListener('input', this.resizeTextarea)
    // ...

Finally, if the textarea has some initial content, we must make sure to update its height initially. We do this in the mounted hook.

mounted () {
    this.$nextTick(() => {
        this.$el.setAttribute('style', 'height:' + (this.$el.scrollHeight) + 'px;overflow-y:hidden;')
    // ...

Full code

export default {
    methods: {
        resizeTextarea (event) {
   = 'auto'
   = ( + 'px'
    mounted () {
        this.$nextTick(() => {
            this.$el.setAttribute('style', 'height:' + (this.$el.scrollHeight) + 'px;overflow-y:hidden;')

        this.$el.addEventListener('input', this.resizeTextarea)
    beforeDestroy () {
        this.$el.removeEventListener('input', this.resizeTextarea)
    render () {
        return this.$slots.default[0]


Whilst very simple, this component enabled me to remove that logic from other components that did not need to care about the size of my textareas.

⭐️ The force is strong with renderless components. Stay tuned for some more cool stuff.

Full code on GitHub


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